15 years of Ad Rem
Hip Hip Hooray! Ad Rem turned 15 and this milestone had to be celebrated. We invited our employees and their families to ‘Tante Renée’ in Wervik for an unforgettable day full of fun and socializing.
The reception with coffee and small sweets got everyone excited for the ‘Ad Rem games’.
During these games, four teams competed to complete nine challenges as good as possible. From stacking cups, sorting M&Ms to tapping nails, a challenging mini golf course and humming songs. Everyone's talent could be utilized. Ultimately the winning team went home with a well-filled candy basket.
After the fun teambuilding, everyone enjoyed a refreshing aperitif with refined snacks, followed by a walking dinner and delicious desserts.
The little ones were spoiled with a waffle-making and decorating workshop and held a mini glitter disco with funky sunglasses and fancy dresses to end a successful family day. The Formula 1 simulators were a real hit with young and slightly less young people.
A big thanks to everyone who made it a memorable party!