Do you want to
work at Ad Rem?

All open vacancies can be found on the Valtech Group job site. Ad Rem is a fast-growing company in the recycling sector. We think it is important that employees can grow with it.

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A new challenge

Jelle started his first job at Valvan Baling Systems in September, 2013. He was employed as a Customer Support Engineer. He quickly made this technical-commercial job his own, but didn’t quite feel it was 100% his thing yet. When around mid-2016, Ad Rem was looking for a new Sales Engineer, he got the chance to consider this new challenge.

“The job was perfect for me, so I didn’t think twice. Part of the job is abroad and I find great satisfaction in the accomplishments we achieve with Ad Rem. Furthermore, Ad Rem’s projects are more process focused, which is closer related to my education. For old times' sake I still lunch with my nice colleagues of Valvan and Motus once in a while.”

The job was perfect
for me, so I didn’t
think twice.
Sales Engineer — Jelle Saint-Germain
  • Company with

    strong growth

  • Continuous


  • Life-long
