Plastic waste

Recyclable plastics can come from a large range of sources. Shredder residues containing plastics are typically coming from small domestic appliances, electrical and electronic equipment and cars. These materials each have their own difficulties when they have to be processed to recover clean plastics. With the Ad Rem equipment we are able to handle each type of these materials.

Through our system the plastics are first separated from metals, foam rubbers and other pollutants. The mix of plastics is further separated into chlorinated plastics, RDF plastics and recyclable plastics. In the last step the plastics are split up into different types after which they are being extruded and granulated.

The vast majority of these secondary raw materials are destined for the automotive industry. The remainder is sold to companies in the construction, agricultural and horticultural sectors.

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  • Expert in the
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  • Company of the
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